Tues. August 26: 4A Kala

Aloha e 4A Students,

In order to help improve your writing and drawing I’ve created a simple rubric. We’ll discuss the rubric and practice using it. Before you turn in your Draw and Write work, go through the rubric to see if you meet the requirements. If not, make changes.

Draw and Write Rubric

Prep and Surf – 20 minutes

Today we’ll be focusing on why the earth has seasons. We’ll be doing a class discussion on why you think the earth has seasons. Then we’ll be watching some short videos about the earth’s seasons. Again we’ll discuss what you learned about the earth’s seasons and compare our before thoughts of seasons and after.

Classwork: Draw and Write: Explain why the earth has seasons. Due at the end of class.

Draw and Write Worksheet

Click on the link to see watch the videos on earth’s season.

Earth’s Seasons

Bill Nye, the Science Guy

Cheers, Ms. Chang

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