Tues. August 25: 2B Fullerton, 2A Hall

Aloha e Second Graders,

Today we started looking at different organism’s life cycles. We’re starting off with looking at the stages of growth and changes of a frog. Author Wendy Pfeffer and Illustrator Holly Keller created a wonderful book that explains and shows how the frog starts as an egg and grows into an adult frog.

Here are some of the illustrations from the book.

Eggs & Tadpoles

Eggs & Tadpoles

Tadpole with front & back legs with a shorter tail.

Tadpole with front & back legs with a shorter tail.

Classwork:Draw and Write: What I learned about a frog’s life cycle from the book? Due at the end of class.

Photo Credits:
From Tadpoles to Frog, Author is Wendy Pfeffer, Illustrations by Holly Keller

Cheers, Ms. Chang

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