Thurs. August 20: KA Coon

Aloha e Kindergartners!

During class today we went over what is a Lockdown Emergency and what as students you need to do. I was very impressed by how quietly and calmly you moved from the front of the to the designated safety seating area in the class. I can say that you all passed practicing a Lockdown Drill. Always remember to quietly and safely get to the area and listen to the teacher’s instructions during an emergency.

I took pictures of all you for a little surprise I’m putting together for the kindergartners. Just think it was practice for your first school yearbook picture at this school. Say CHEESE!!! Those who are absent I will take your picture when you return.

On the board we created a web of all the things we knew about germs. What knowledge you already bring to the class. Here are some comments you made about germs.

  • If you are sick, stay home
  • If you don’t wash (your hands) you can get everyone sick
  • When taking snack only touch one item because if you touch more than one you spread the germs
  • If you touch a pet/bugs and it has germs, please wash your hands
  • Don’t dig your nose
  • And there were so many more ideas and comments that were shared about germs.

    Like I mentioned the beginning of class, if we get through our class agenda I’d surprise you. Knowing how much you like knowing about the mouse and wanting to see it, I did take Coco, the mouse, out to show you. How excited you all get when you see him. I enjoyed all your questions and tried to answer them. Keep those wonderful questions coming.

    I won’t see you till next week, so have a wonderful weekend.

    Cheers, Ms. Chang

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