Wed. August 19: 1B Moore, 1A Fortuna

Exploring with liquids

Aloha e First Graders!

I had a wonderful experience in class today. What a teachable moment. In our review of what we did the last class, a student made a great comment that led us into a great activity. Just a spontaneous activity that ended up being a great learning and wet experience.

We looked at how liquids take the shape of the container they are in. We used cylinders, beakers, measuring cups and other recycled containers to see how water would change as we poured them into our neighbors containers. You all looked like you had fun trying to get every last drop of water into your neighbors container. Many of your worked really well in trying to help each other pour nicely and not spill. In the occasional spills, you helped to wipe up the water.

It was a great day in science! Maika`i first graders on asking great inquiry questions that leads to exciting experiment.

Till our next science class….Ms. Chang

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