`Ekahi (1) Activity: Supermarket Matter

Aloha First Grade Parents,

Here’s an activity you can do with your child at the grocery store to help reinforce States of Matter.

The next time you go grocery shopping take your child with you. Make a list for your child of some items that you may need such as milk, juice, apples, chicken, etc. While in the store, have your child help you gather those items. On the list, have your child write if it is a liquid or a solid. Remembering that solids hold their own shape and liquid take the shape of their container and flow.

You can also do the opposite. Have your child make two columns, one side of the paper solids and the other liquids. Then as you gather your groceries, have them write the items under the solid column or the liquids column.

Happy grocery shopping! Hopefully its healthier food items than my picture.

Cheers, Ms. Chang

Grocery Shopping

Grocery Shopping

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