Mon. August 17: 3B Oyama

Aloha e 3B Students,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Looks like a beautiful day outside with the sun shining and a little cool breeze.

Today in class we will be discussing basic ideas about our moon. We’ll read a book called “What’s the Moon Like” by Frankley Branley. It talks about what the moon looks like, what they have found on the moon, and what it would be like if you were on the moon. We’re do a quick Write and Draw activity after reading and discussing the book.

We will also be watching a short dvd called “All About the Moon”. I think its a great way to visually see what the moon looks like. It has wonderful videos of astronauts walking on the moon and driving a lunar rover. Some of the questions it will be answering are: Why does the moon look difference every night? What does the moon look like up close? What is it like to walk on the moon? Could we live there someday? This video will also show some exciting experiments that we’ll be trying in class. So pay attention. We’ll try modeling the phases of the moon and creating our very own moon craters. After we’re done with the video, we’ll do a quick discussion of what we thought were interesting and something new we learned. I’d also like you do to a Write and Draw on this video.

Class Work: Write and Draw what you learned during the reading of “What’s the moon like?”. Also another Write and Draw after our video on “All About the Moon”. These are due at the end of class.

Draw and Write Worksheet

KWL Worksheet

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Cheers, Ms. Chang

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