Mon. August 17: 2B Fullerton, 2A Hall

Aloha e Second Graders,

Today we’ll be learning the basics about what is a life cycle. A short video will provide some of the basic concepts of life cycles and vocabulary of life cycles. Here are some of the questions the video will answer:

  • What is a life cycle?
  • What is meant by reproduction?
  • What are the basic needs that animals must meet in order to live out their full life span?
  • What is instinct?
  • What is a metemorphosis?
  • Classwork: Science Notebook Draw and Write: after watching the video on animal life cycles, please draw and write something new that you learned and something that you found interesting.

    Draw and Write Worksheet

    P.S. I hope that those of you are sick are getting lots of rest and feeling better. We’ll miss you in class today.

    Cheers, Ms. Chang

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