In Memory of…

It is with great sadness and disappointment to announce the deaths of Pebbles and Crush.

Unfortunately, these fragile turtles were unable to survive during the holidays. I am very disappointed in myself for not taking better care. However, I do feel that I tried my best to provide the necessary proper conditions for our class turtles. I am not sure what the causes of deaths were. My only guess was that they did not get enough sunlight during the holiday vacation and became sick. As you know turtles need lots of sunlight to keep them warm and to warn away bacterial infections on their shells. During our holidays due to bad and cloudy weather, I do think they had a limited amount of direct sunlight. Thus leading to their illness and passing.

I will miss the little guys and had such high hopes of keeping them for many years and allowing the students to see them grow. I did bury them in my back yard under a small kukui tree, next to Squirt. They will be missed, but not forgotten.

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