Grades 9-12: Performing Arts


Students are given an evaluation of their performance at the KSH Band Festival. This work is reflective of both the individual as well as the group performance identifying aspects that contributed to the success of the performance as well as those that could improve the performance. The following prompts are given to students to base their reflections on. 

  1. Identify three things that make your festival performance successful. Explain.
  2. What aspects of the performance can improve?
  3. Do you agree with the rating? Why or why not?
  4. How can we prepare ourselves for a successful Spring Concert Performance?


Evaluation for Refinement

Student can clearly identify successful traits of their performance, which shows the knowledge and skills necessary to evaluate the process. Student notes in evaluation that the 3 things that made her performance a success were their dynamics, fluidity, and balance – as an ensemble.

  • “Even during the piece our dynamic contrast could have been better if all of us got louder and softer at the same time”
  • “We were able to sustain the notes at parts where it was necessary”
  • “All of us were playing out when it mattered and made sure that our parts were heard”

Student identifies criteria and provides specific examples that speak toward assessing the performance. Specifically, student points out problems such as dynamic contrast, intonation, and phrasing; problems were apparent in evidence recording as well.

  • “We also need to improve on our tuning. Throughout the piece, different chords sounded a little incorrect as everyone tried to find their right note.”
  • “When playing background music, or parts that were not the melody, we could have done more dynamic changes to create a shape that complemented the main melody.”

Student uses feedback from the judges to suggest areas of improvement to work toward a more successful Spring Concert performance. Student suggests doing individual sectionals to improve dynamic contrast. Student also calls out the need for students to blend better. Finally, student suggests working in individual sections to improve problem areas in the music.

  • “One of the biggest things we can do is work on doing well in our individual sections. If each of us makes sure we can play our part correctly and accurately play the various dynamic contrasts, I am certain that our performance will improve.”
  • “We also need to work on our ability to blend as a band. Therefore, during class it would be most helpful if each student worked to do well. Maybe the sections could split up and practice their individual parts if necessary.”

Performance Quality

Student demonstrates and identifies knowledge, skills and techniques at the proficiency level. Within in self-evaluation, student uses appropriate terminology and vocabulary in classifying skill set. Student uses musical terms like blend, dynamic contrasts, fluidity and balance when evaluating her performance quality. Student exemplifies her skill set for performance quality by mentioning:

  • “we could have done more dynamic changes to create a shape that complemented the main melody.”

While student generally exemplifies the traits at a proficient level, student does not consistently address overall musicality of performance (interpretation and expression). Student’s evaluation is based heavily on only musical technique and skill set.