Grade 9-10: Speech


Select a topic of personal importance that you would like to create an informative speech about.

Create a speech about your topic, to include:

  • A thorough outline of your speech w/ Works Cited and Parenthetical Citations
  • A minimum of 4 different types of credible sources to support your opinion w/ 6 types of support. (One book, one website, one newspaper/journal, ref. book)
  • A visual to accompany your speech, minimum 6 informational slides (not including a intro/outro slide).

See complete task.



Student demonstrates proficiency in research by orally citing her sources at 2:03 and 3:08 in video.


Click here to see specific annotations in the comments section of the Written Outline


Student demonstrates proficiency in kinesics through consistent eye contact throughout presentation, and hand gestures to enhance visual presentation throughout

  • See :30-:37 for one specific example of proficient use of gestures

She demonstrates her proficiency in proxemics by maintaining appropriate relationship to podium as presentation style and lectern/technology set up dictates.

Student demonstrates proficiency in paralanguage by emphasizing key words and ideas with pauses, volume and tone.

  • See 4:35 for specific example in the use of varied pacing (pauses) and pitch
  • See 6:14-6:25 for specific example of appropriate use of pace, pitch, & tone to enhance overall message.