Grade 8: Visual Arts


Purpose of Artwork

To introduce students to the concepts of aesthetics and voice within an art piece.  Using food as a non traditional medium to complete an artwork.

Google Classroom assignment after the project

Upload the final picture of your plating. Include your typed story about your plating theme/idea and any data leading up to the final. Please include a review/few words of your assessment from the staff and how or what was successful or needed adjustments after your final experience.

(Note: The intention of the project was for personal analysis on the development of the plate focusing on color, texture, balance and dimension; leading to overall aesthetics.  The focus was not on the articulation of the description of the final piece)



Effectively uses food to create a piece of art that’s not typically thought of as art
The use of the chocolate syrup to create a pattern and design
Effective use of accent colors
There’s a variety of texture, shape, line, Asymmetry, but it’s still resolved

Design Process

Research on tools is evidenced in the use of different food mediums

Intended Communication

The green plant is used to balance the piece
The piece is aesthetically pleasing to a variety of audiences

The student is not marked advanced because the traits were not “highly” effective.