Grade 8: Christian Education


Read the story of Elijah found in James 5:16-18 and 1 Kings 18:22-39 and use these as an established basis for comparison. Then answer the four reflective questions based on our discussion of Chiefess Kapiʻolani and our Biblical texts.


Student demonstrates an awareness of the hardship Kapi’olani encountered while standing firm in her faith in God.
“As a Hawaiian and also as a woman I donʻt think it was easy because no one really supported her. She didnʻt have much encouragement, and also she believed in the one true God that no one else believed in.” The student explores the fact that Kapiʻolani was a Hawaiian woman, but doesn’t delve into the importance of its meaning within her religious context.  However, they display an awareness of contrasting belief surrounding her at the time. 

Student provides evidence of understanding the text through sharing personal experience.
“When thinking about my life I think I can apply these lessons to my life when Iʻm at school, and people are going against me about what I believe in. A lot of people try to convince me that God isnʻt real. When people are trying to do that I must stand firmly in my faith, and trust that God is real.” The student draws from both their own personal experience and Biblical understanding to employ a plan of action in the event of the circumstances stated.

After reading and discussing the story of Elijah and David, the students was able to draw the conclusion that the faith of Kapiolani was similar to the faith of Elijah.
“These two stayed faithful even when everyone else was against them. Even when it seemed impossible they both still followed through with the plan that gave God all the glory.” The student utilizes their knowledge of Elijah and David to ascertain which person most closely aligns to Kapiʻolani.