Grade 7: English Language Arts
Biographical Narrative


Biographical Narrative Essay

In a biographical essay, you are to write about the life and personality of a person who actually lived. A biographical essay should have the following characteristics:

  • a real-life subject.
  • a thesis statement that states a specific idea about that person’s life and achievements.
  • descriptions throughout the essay of the subject’s key character traits.
  • an account of one or more major events in the subject’s life that support the thesis statement.

Use your research information from social studies class about the monarch you are to write a biographical narrative about. Review his or her most important contribution to the Hawaiian Nation, giving reasons for your choice.


Clear and well-formulated sentences; impactful short sentences (sentence variety)

Clearly states important impact she had on the Hawaiian kingdom – womenʻs rights and position in Hawaiian society.

Synthesis: Applies information accurately to communicate new understanding- paragraph 3 – “as the bottled up the freedom of Hawaiian women”.

Organizes ideas clearly by using a chronological sequence.

Tone and voice convey a clear message focused on informing the audience.

Writing is communicated effectively with few grammatical errors.