Grade 6: Social Studies
Ancient Civilizations


This Performance Task came at the end of an interdisciplinary unit on Sustainability.  Students learned effective internet search, appropriate citation, and resource evaluation.  Sources were gathered via social studies to be used in a persuasive piece in ELA.

Student Instructions:
Using the three resources that you located for your sustainability research in English, create an Annotated Bibliography using the format that was reviewed in class. Create your bibliography on the attached blank Google Doc.

(*Reminder – Your sources should be listed in alphabetical order by author)


Evaluate sources:

Student was able to evaluate each of the sources based on author, publisher and context as evidenced in the annotated bibliography as well as the ELA paper.

The student uses a color-coded system to allow them to reference back to the purpose of the article the validity of the source and a specific quote that can be utilized top strengthen their argument.

The student was then able to use information from the evaluated sources in a final persuasive piece on sustainability.  The student references one of the sources specifically by mentioning “Since the 1970ʻs, UPS has worked on ways to encourage drives to take fewer turns, reducing their emissions by around 100,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide every year.”

This is not a sample of advanced because student uses only one type of source (internet/website).