Grade 5: PE/Health


  • G (goal) Create a fitness plan with training methods to use to improve your personal focusarea of fitness
  • R (role) Self Trainer
  • A (audience) Self (Peers)
  • S (situation) There is a school fitness team that you would like to be a member. Tryouts are in two weeks and you want to be ready. Based on your fitness card tracking, decide what area of focus should you work on to improve.
  • P (product or performance) Personal exercise plan in your fitness focus area, performance reflection.
  • S (Standards-criteria for student success) See Na Kula Rubric

Student prompt: You have an opportunity to be on the school’s fitness team. You are doing well in your overall fitness but could improve in one area. Decide on your area of focus to improve based on past performance. You are to create an exercise plan for three days that will improve your goal area of fitness. Perform plan and reflect on progress.



Student understands the difference between low, moderate and vigorous intensity.

Student understands the area of focus (i.e. flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance)


Student applies multiple aspects of workout protocol (warm-up, work out and cool down)


Student’s variety of skills are based off of fitness score feedback

Student made reflections for adjustments to workout plans, however, there is no evidence of the adjustment (video, etc)