Grade 2: English Language Arts


Our La‘ana Performance Task is a culmination of the transdisciplinary learning that has taken place from the beginning of the year to present. Haumāna were asked to create a makana(gift) for a la‘ana (role model) that has made positive difference in their life. They were provided the opportunity to communicate their learning through various media of their choice. (Eg. posters, books, poetry, iMovies, clay sculptures, songs,…) These makana were shared with their la‘ana and ‘ohana during our recent Gr. 2 Lā ‘Ohana in April where they received feedback.

This performance task was based upon the following units.


  • Haumāna will begin to unveil and discover who they are.
  • As they begin to explore the turning points and pivotal moments in their lives through personal and family stories they will realize the values that inform their decisions.
  • Through literature elements they will begin to examine their own character traits and realize the qualities that make them unique and recognize the important roles (kūlana) they play and use their values and qualities they possess.


  • After identifying their strengths and character traits through our self identity unit, haumāna will reflect and learn from various personal as well as ʻohana experiences that form the foundation of who they are.
  • In this Laʻana unit they will be researching notable alaka’i in our rich Hawaiian history as well as leaders who can be found in their own homes and communities.
  • Haumāna will focus on the positive characteristics and the impact made by these unique individuals.

You have been exploring and learning about character traits through various texts, Mana Wahine study, kupuna research, and personal narratives. You will have the opportunity to share what you have learned with your ʻohana on Lā ʻOhana.

You would like to show your gratitude to a family member who has made a positive impact on your life.  As a makana to that person, you will be sharing the lessons you have learned from them and how they have inspired you to be the person you are today.  You will be presenting this makana at the end-of-the-school-year event, Lā ‘Ohana, in April.

In triads- Students will take turns being the interviewer, interviewee, and video recorder. This video will serve as a jumping off point for the rest of the performance task.


  1. As we’ve been learning about self-identity and character traits, what have you learned about yourself?
  2. What have you learned about your strengths?
  3. What systems are you a part of?
  4. How do you use your strengths in those systems?
  5. When you think about the important events in your life, like the ones on your timeline, how have they helped you become who you are today?
  6. After researching Mana Wahine and your kūpuna, what is something you learned that inspired you?
  7. What lessons have you learned about self identity?
  8. What lessons have you learned about kūlana?
  9. What lessons have you learned about laʻana?
  10. How can you apply these lessons in your life?


Ideas and Content

CLARITY: dad’s traits clearly stated;
SYNTHESIS: connected how those traits influenced him


COHERENCE: the different parts of the poster support the same message which how his dad influenced him

Audience and Purpose

Clearly gave examples of how his dad made a positive influence (taken from task description); poster was his makana


The few errors did not detract from the message of his piece