Grade 11: Social Studies
US History


Goal: To create an argument on a historical topic and link its significance to the present in order to show why this topic still matters today. Connect and relate ideas and concepts within history and other subjects, examine and explain alternative perspectives across a variety of sources, make predictions as evidence with support, analyze and synthesize information from multiple sources, develop a logical argument, complex reasoning with planning and investigating or developing a presentation. 

Role: Historian

Audience: Community and the public, national and international audience, professionals in their field

Situation: You are presenting your argument at a history museum, theater, library, conference where you will need to communicate your argument to a variety of public officials and community members.

Product: Historical Paper, Website, Exhibit


This is an example of “Proficiency” for Perspectives because the student utilizes multiple and opposing perspectives of Frederick Douglass when he created his “North Star” paper. There are many people against the paper, particularly those in the South and even some in Rochester.  By showing both sides, those who support slavery and those who don’t, students are able to show the complexity of the slavery issue. This is not an example of advanced since students do not create an authentic connection to Frederick Douglass.