Grade 11-12: Speech
Speech II


Brief But Spectacular Truth

Goal: Student task is to create a video that reflects a moment in his/her life that he/she realized a truth in his/her life.

Role: A friend sharing a defining moment in your life that you came to a realization about a truth.

Audience: A friend seeking advice.

Situation: A friend or confidante seeking advice.

Performance: A video formatted similar to PBS Brief But Spectacular.

Standard: Na Kula Rubric



This student effectively used the conventions of speech structure to organize her speech. See video for corresponding annotations.

  • 0:01-0:12 The student used an attention getter, such as using a series of rhetorical questions, to capture the viewer’s attention.
  • 0:15 Introduction: The students gave her personal experiences as an only child;
  • 1:29-3:36 Body: In the body of this speech, the student explained how she found out that she was going to have a sibling.  Then she continued on to explain that she found out that her mother had lost the baby and she would not have a sibling after all.
  • 2:42-3:43 Conclusion: The student reflected on her life and her acceptance of being an only child and how that has molded her into the person she is today.


Student demonstrates proficiency in kinesics by using eye contact throughout by looking at camera and not referring to notes throughout the video; using appropriate gestures to enhance her speech throughout

  • Specific example at :50-:58 where she counts on her fingers to augment the points she is making verbally.

She demonstrates proficient use of paralanguage through use of pace and pitch to enhance story. See specific example at 1:24-1:40:

  • She slows down pace and emphasizes “life-changing news”;
  • She changes pitch and pace on “my mom told me that she was pregnant and I was overwhelmed with joy”.