Grade 1: English Language Arts


The Performance Task was tied to a recent huaka`i to Hawaii News Now where students learned the responsibilities of a news reporter and the importance of conveying information effectively. Using the knowledge that the students gained from their HNN visit, the students became Jr. News Reporters and were tasked with creating a news report (retelling a self selected mo`olelo from a moku on O`ahu) for a HNN segment called “Mo`olelo Minute”. 

Student Script:
As a follow-up to our huaka`i to Hawaii News Now, HNN has asked if we can take on the kuleana of being junior news reporters for them.  Our task is to accurately retell a moʻolelo for HNNʻs “Moʻolelo Minute” in order to inform our community about a moku on the island of Oʻahu. The retell will be recorded and shared amongst ourselves and our `ohana.  The retell will need to include the following:

  • Begining, middle, end
  • Setting
  • Character(s)
  • Lesson



Able to retell moʻolelo which shows explicit understanding; illustrations matched the lesson; came up with the moral of the story


Identifies the learning from the source; came up with the moral of the story

To Be Advanced:
Comprehension – Able to cite evidence from text to support his understanding

Synthesis – Make a personal connection (text to self) to the moʻolelo or makes a connection to another moʻolelo (text to text)