Grade 4: Languages
ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi


You and your classmates have saved up enough money for a special huakaʻi in March. Kumu Hālani plans to take you all to the island of Kauaʻi to spend two days with children from Nīʻihau who are fluent speakers of ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi. When you arrive at Ke Kula ʻo Kekaha, you will be partnered with a student who will be your buddy for the entire time you are there. You must be ready to greet, meet, and get to know this student from Nīʻihau upon your arrival. Kumu Hālani asks you to provide the following information:

  • Greet this “stranger” who will soon become a new friend.
  • Ask how s/he is and be prepared to share how you’re feeling, if asked.
  • Ask his or her name, age, and where s/he’s from.
  • Tell your name, age and where you’re from.
  • Ask when his/her birthday is so you can surprise him or her and send a card.
  • If s/he asks you, be ready to share when you were born.
  • Ask him or her what today’s date and day of the week it is.
  • Ask him or her what lunar night and month it is.
  • Prepare some kind of parting thoughts: thank him/her, say goodbye and see you later.

You and your parter must create a conversation that includes everything listed above and act it out in front of the class to practice for the actual event.

  • I can greet someone I do not know and say goodbye to people.
  • I can ask how they are and tell them how I’m feeling.
  • I can answer questions about my name, age, origin, and where I live.
  • I can ask questions about someone’s name, age, origin, and where they live.
  • I can ask someone when their birthday is; I can tell someone when my birthday is.
  • I can ask and tell someone the date, and day of the week.
  • I can ask and tell someone the lunar night and month of the Hawaiian calendar.



Both haumana answers all nīnau, as expected in goal criteria-Hoʻolauna on a huakaʻi a hoʻopili i ka hoa hou.


Haumana responds correctly to various types of questions as well as ask many questions (not memorized or in any specific order; understands both questions and answers); very impressive! – ʻO wai kou inoa Hawaiʻi (specific name)? ʻPehea ʻoe? Noho ʻoe i hea? ʻO ka lā ʻehia kēia? ʻO ka pō ʻahia kēia? ʻO ka lā ʻehia kou lā hanau? ʻEhia ou makahiki? ʻO ka pō mahina hea kēia?  ʻO wai kēia pō? *note-between the two, one keiki is more proficient than the other; some responses needed to be clear or innounciated and the word “wait” was said a few times before answering (ʻŌlelo Pelekania)


Between both haumana, Kamaka rarely hesitates when asking and answering questions, but Aukele makes frequent pauses and need to restate question ʻO ka lā hea kou lā hānau? He is still able to restate nīnau, even when he makes a mistake or corrects himself immediately. Even with minor stumbling or hesitation in responding, the conversation is able to continue.


Both haumana uses puana proficiently by pronouncing all hua ʻōlelo correctly-Communication is clear.


Haumana uses vocab correctly-Accurate & Vast amount of words needed for numerous sentence patterns/structures


Haumana emerges in the ʻŌlelo by answering all nīnau ma ka ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi-Sentence patterns are complete and correct; uses “koʻu and kou in correct places and knows that a nīnau beginning with ʻO is answered with ʻO, Noho question answered with noho, and so forth.
Towards the middle and end of the conversation, there is some hesitation from Aukele in stating his birthdate. He still move forward, but his complete response is difficult to hear. Correct structure ¾ of the time; proficient.

*Note: Questions and answers ma ka ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi are not offered in the lesson plan PT.