Grade 2: Math


Using various ages of their ‘ohana members, students will determine the age differences between members of their family.

Students, independently, will input the names and ages of people in their families into a chart. Using that data, students will determine the difference between themselves and the oldest person on their chart. They will also take two more members from their family, and determine the age difference between them.

Students will share their findings with their kumu, classmates, and family members.

Using the open number line, students will use various strategies to determine the difference/distance between the ages of their ‘ohana members.



  • inputted data collected from home into the math chart
  • used multiple ways (number line, addition and subtraction equations) to find the distance/difference in age between himself and the eldest person on their chart
  • selected two more ‘ohana members to compare their ages
  • found the correct distance/difference through correct computation
  • attempted additional “Bonus” page
  • noticed that no matter what age she and her sister were, that they would always be the same distance/difference in age, throughout their lives (7 years)

To be advanced: This may be an advance example because it shows multiple ways of solving a problem.