Grade 2: English Language Arts


Your family has decided to get a pet.  The choice has been narrowed down between a cat or a dog. 

  • First, read the article(s) related to cats and dogs.
  • Then, take notes on the text and fill out the graphic organizer
  • Next, write your opinion using reasons (from the text) and examples (from the text or your own connection)
  • Finally, present the information to your parents.


Ideas and Content

CLARITY: the main idea is generally clear throughout with details from the text; “In my
opinion, dogs make better pets than cats.”, “…dogs are verry helpful.”, “…dogs keep you safe if there is danger.”, “…dogs can help you get exercise”, “As you can see, dogs are better pets than cats.”

SYNTHESIS: begins to apply information accurately to communicate understanding; the third paragraph which was about exercise states that, “Dog owners are less likely to get sick.” This information came from the text and is tied in to the correct paragraph.


Used an opinion piece structure; used paragraphs according to the organizer; made connections and used transition words; “In my opinion, dogs make better pets than cats.”, “One reason is, dogs…”, “Another reason is, dogs keep…”, “Lastly, dogs can help you exercise!  For instance, your dogʻs exersice…”

To be advanced – student could add more personal connections and connections that tie one idea to another to strengthen the piece

Audience and Purpose


Used a process effectively for creating a communication product – underlined key ideas in the text; filled out an organizer with key details and added the transition words that would be used in the piece; wrote an opinion piece

To be advanced – annotate the text further


To be advanced – check spelling, the word exercise is spelled correctly and incorrectly in the same paragraph.