Grade 5: Performing Arts


After watching and listening to instrumental demonstrations you will select a band instrument to explore and study.

  • Select the desired instrument in order of 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice
  • Proper assembly and care
  • Utilizing appropriate embouchure and grip, posture
  • Applying correct fingering, slide positions and sticking
  • Strive to produce a good tone and articulation
  • Understanding musical notation
  • Culminate learning by demonstrating a five-note scale
  • Student reflection on how to improve



demonstrates general understanding of identified success criteria; proper carriage, embouchure, tone production and fingering of a 5-note scale on her instrument. Produces a tone that is characteristic of the instrument.


demonstrates general understanding of proper carriage.


demonstrates general understanding of proper carriage, embouchure, tone production and fingering of a 5-note scale on his instrument. Produces a tone that is characteristic of the instrument.