Grade 5: Visual Arts


In your Makawalu studies (5th grade capstone), you have spent time understanding the concept of Alakai Lawelawe. Within this investigation you have studied Hawaiian aliʻi, kupuna, leaders and issues that affect who you are as a Hawaiian.  Some have even designed a course of action to address a need you have identified.

While building your capacity as Alaka’i Lawelawe, your task is to create a symbol/logo that would communicate your research and topic.  It will be on a 9 x 12 paper.  Work may be black and white or color. The medium will be of your choice.  The ultimate goal is to create an image/symbol that clearly communicates your study and that is understood by your audience.



This student chose to used a variety of markers.  Effective use of these materials was evident in the application of color and texture.  The design demonstrated clean and careful execution with attention to detail.

Design Process

This image was the result of multiple sketches being reworked. Minimal assistance was needed as the student independently developed the idea.

Intended Communication

The intent is clear and the target audience (classmates and kumu) understood the content and message of the symbol. 

As highly successful as this image is, it is not advanced.  Kumu feedback helped guide the iterative process.  A more refined execution with attention to background and line quality would be needed to elevate work to advanced.