Grade 7: Speech


Your challenge this quarter is to prepare a TED style talk to present to an authentic audience of your choice.

The subject of these TED talks are for you to choose. What do you feel is an idea worth sharing about, to your peers, administration (headmaster, principal, campus leadership) and or community?

Your TED talk should meet the following standards:

  • Students will independently use their learning to utilize various sources and/or perspectives to effectively prepare and present information appropriate for a purpose and audience.
  • Students will independently use their learning to captivate an audience through a command of formal language and delivery skills.
  • Begin your exploration and planning here by watching TED talks, take notes about how the speaker delivers their message, notice what keeps you engaged, and what message did you carry away from each speech.



Student demonstrates their research by citing their source orally (oral citation) at :58

1:50 student demonstrates their research by presenting statistics in a pie chart


This student effectively used the conventions of speech structure to organize her speech. See video for corresponding annotations.

0:07-0:29 Introduction: The students engaged the audience with a question, “Is there too much pressure for girls to have perfect body?” Then she clearly stated the purpose of her speech by stating, “I want you to believe that you are beautiful inside and out.”

0:30-2:23 Body: The student stated that social media, news media, and magazines all play a part in girls feeling insecure about their bodies because we constantly see pictures of skinny models and we are compared to them. She stated a quote from a psychologist regarding self-images based on skinny models to support her belief. Then the students conducts a demonstration using to blank pieces of paper to further support her opinion. 

2:24 Conclusion: The student referenced the twenty dollar bill to close and demonstrated that your value doesn’t lessen due to changes on your appearance.


Student demonstrates proficiency in kinesics by using eye contact throughout speech

She demonstrates proficiency in proxemics throughout by appropriate movement and spacing from the audience

Student demonstrates proficiency in kinesics through gestures at 2:23 (crumpling money, stomping on money);

She demonstrates proficiency in paralanguage through varied pacing, pitch, and tone. See example at 2:23:

  • draws out the word “this” and speeding up the rest of the sentence on “Letʻs take this $20 bill” or drawing out “now” and “this” when she says “now what if I did this?”;
  • changes the pitch and tone of her voice on those same phrases to make them more engaging to the audience.