Grade 6: English Language Arts (Argumentative)


G – Goal (Intention)
To positively impact our environment in order to ensure a thriving lahui in the future.

R – Role

A – Audience
Various (ʻohana, school, peers, etc.)

S – Situation
Our Kūpuna were skilled at utilizing their resources efficiently in order to ensure a thriving lahui for generations to come.  Today, we are overusing resources to the point where 1 Earth will not provide everything that is needed, if each person does not make a change now.  You have been hired as a conservationist to influence a change at home, school, or in your community through an argumentative essay.  As a conservationist, you will select an audience that you feel most needs to hear your message.

P – Product(s)
A 6 paragraph argumentative essay that will be sent to a target audience of your choice


Ideas and Organization

This essay scores at the proficiency level for Ideas and Content because the writer clearly states his stance on the use of fossil fuel and maintains and supports his stance throughout:

“Fossil fuels help fuel cars and a lot of our other daily tools. So, they are
helpful, right? No, in fact, they do more harm than good.” “Therefore, it is essential that renewable energies must replace current systems.”


This sample scores a proficient on Organization because the student effectively uses transition words or phrases to shift from one idea to the next coherently.

“First of all, they can make people really sick by producing toxic chemicals. Furthermore, they produce greenhouse gases every step of the way. Renewable energies don’t hurt us like
fossil fuels do. Therefore, it is essential that renewable energies must replace
current systems.” “Another problem is that fossil fuels make the toxic chemicals every step of
the way. In fact, According to National Resource Defense Council[…]”

Audience and Purpose

This sample scores a proficient on Audience and Purpose because there is evidence of tone and voice as a way to connect and engage and persuade the audience. 

“These plants and animals break down over hundreds of millions of years. This means that we can’t just magically make more to fuel our cars and ships, we have to take it a step further and fully switch to renewable energies. Unfortunately, we do not have control over big energy facilities and large transports, but we do have control over ourselves and our home. What if everyone switched to renewable energies?”