Grade 8: Visual Arts


Purpose of Artwork

  • Cover design for the yearbook
  • Students worked with ‘Olelo Hawaiʻi Specialists to come up with theme
  • They researched different native plants and heard stories connected to the plants and our school/students
  • They worked with Art Specialist to look at Hawaiian art/tatoo
  • They took pictures of native plants


  • Students used a google form to reflect on the yearbook cover they created as a class (10 students)

Describe what is seen in the Yearbook cover. What is in the artwork?
The main picture in the Yearbook cover is pictures of the ʻulu plant. The bottom has three rows of triangles.
Analyze the elements and principles of the cover. How is it organized? (ex: contrast, color, balance, shape, etc.)
We basically went for all green. The triangles are opaque while the picture is bright and bold. Our Yearbook cover revolves around triangles. The ones we made (in the three rows) as well as the ones created by the ʻulu tree.

Interpret the intent of the cover. What does it mean?
The covers intent is to show our (as Hawaiians) brilliance. The ʻulu tree is symbolic of growth, so it shows our growth not only as an individual but as a group. Our quote on the cover states we are brilliant. This is to be said not in a boastful way but as a factual statement. All together this means that we are brilliant but that doesn’t mean we are the best, we can always grow no matter what.

How does the work (cover) make you feel? Make personal, cultural and/or historical connections. 
The cover reminds me of when I was in elementary. This is because throughout all of elementary we talked about how we are Hawaiian people and are so blessed to be. It makes me feel proud but humble. I agree with the covers main message strongly. I believe that being Hawaiian is something to be proud of but you should never think highly of yourself, because you always have room to grow.

How would you make changes to the process of making the cover or change the cover itself?
If I could change the process of making the cover, I would start planning earlier. This is because by the deadline it was stressful trying to get a good copy in. Although it wasn’t the nal, since everyone would disagree, we had to make multiple changes. The cover itself is ne but I would have wanted to make the plants less bold to make the triangles and title pop out more.



The student describes what is seen on the cover and what elements are represented.


The student expresses her understanding of elements of art and principles in the cover (color, balance, shape, and points out triangle formed by the tree)


The student explains the symbolic meaning of cover and makes inferences about the intention of the piece.


The student makes a personal and cultural connection and supports conclusions with evidence.

Self Assessment

The student articulates refinement needed.