Grade 9: Christian Education


In 5-7 Thoughtful Sentences:

  1. What was the result of Paul and Silasʻ time of prayer and Worship?
  2. What barriers keep you from praying?
  3. In what ways could prayer help your life?


Haumāna demonstrated understanding of the scripture by appropriately drawing conclusions to the power and necessity of having a prayer life.

Haumāna was able to independently, and adequately explain the Biblical concept of pule demonstrating the ʻike and manaʻo of the passages associated with the prompt. For example, “They were able to free the prisoners. With the power of God, an earthquake happened and freed all the people locked up which could symbolize how God frees us and saves us from evil” The haumāna was able to summarize the passage. Haumāna goes beyond “developing” by accurately summarizing the moʻolelo of the passage, but fails to meet the “exceeds” standards due to a surface level summary that includes little detail, and no specific quotes or references to the passage specifically. 

Secondly, “There are multiple barriers that keep me from praying. However, most of these barriers are more like excuses. I feel that I donʻt really prioritize praying in my life because I feel that I donʻt have time and I have “better” things to do or work on such as homework.” Haumāna was able to identify potential barriers to prayer in their own life using independent learning.. This potentially puts them in the “exceeds” category for this portion, due to their application of the ʻike to a specific, authentic situation. 

And finally, “Prayer could most definitely benefit my life mentally and spiritually. As developing teens, we have a lot of emotions and I am the type of person that doesnʻt like to talk about it and would rather deal with them myself. So, talking to God every day could help me to discuss my feelings and what is on my mind” Haumāna clearly articulates the personal application value of prayer for them in light of their learning demonstrating the ʻike necessary for a “proficient” rating, and elevating them above “developing”.