Grade 11: Science


We finished work and energy unit as well as momentum and impulse.  Students were tasked to create a mousetrap car that showed they learned these topics as well as make a video as proof.

See planning sheet.

Mousetrap Cars Video Project Requirements:

  • Video production that is 3-4 minutes long
  • Explain the objective
  • Steps done for building and research (pictures or video of you making your car and what you looked up)
  • Video of your car being tested
  • Data of your results:
    • Mass
    • Distance
    • Time
    • Velocity
    • Momentum
    • Kinetic Energy
  • Explanation of your success or failure



A process that answers a question or solves a problem

  • 0:00 goal and task stated. (“create a mini-car that utilizes the energy of a mousetrap…to maximize these three aspects: the motion in a straight line, an effective and working engine, and the distance travelled.”)

Generates an idea for a solution that are aligned to the problem

  • 2:30 The idea generated was powered by the mousetrap, had wheels to travel over a distance on the floor, and constructed without specific parts to make it turn

Selects ideal materials to carry out the plan and explains reasons for choice

  • 0:16-2.15 procedure of building and reasons for choice given.  Materials selected include chopsticks, straw, glue, skewers, CD, fishing line (suji), chopstick rubbish.  They are appropriate materials, because they used the materials given by the kumu , and they were not allowed to use additional materials in the design.


Summarizing the results to determine next steps in the inquiry process

  • 2:32 first test and evaluated
  • 3:05 tested with reason for redesign – Provides a detailed rationale with supporting data for the appropriate redesign of the original model or prototype (“moving in this direction, because this part is not glued so well…going to glue it tighter so that it is straight.” In the second trial, they see that the car veers off the designated track.  They tried to put more weight on one side of the car after the second trial to keep car from veering out of the “track”.)
  • 3:30 results and math presented

This work sample does not meet the advanced level, because only one initial design is evidenced (first car created) and the modifications do not make the car go farther or stay on a straighter path.