Grade 11-12: Math


Sunrise times of a destination around the world

Select a unique destination around the world that is connected to your cultural heritage. For example, Kamehameha traveled to England, so you can select a city within England. Whichever destination you choose, you must tie it to your heritage and one of the E Ola! Learner Outcomes listed below:

  • ‘Ike Kūpuna
  • Aloha ‘Āina
  • Kūpono
  • Mālama and Kuleana
  • Alaka’i Lawelawe
  • Kūlia

You must provide justification as to how your destination connects to your heritage and one of the E Ola! Learner Outcomes.

You will research the sunrise times of your destination for 1 year and plot these times on a graph. With this graph, you must create an equation that maps these times. Be sure to consider the scale of your graph.


The student used an appropriate strategy to solve the problem. There were minor computational errors, which did not detract from the overall approach. Had the student corrected the errors, a correct answer would be obtained. The student’s overall computations are reasonable.