Grade 9: English Language Arts


Create a persuasive argument supporting or challenging one of the controversial statements/literary themes below. In addition to the provided text, be sure to synthesize multiple and varied sources in your essay from one of our course texts.


Sources (Proficient)

Student uses evidence from “Honor,” by Betty Dahlin and “A Thousand Splendid Suns,” by Khaled Hosseini to support the learning goal. Student uses more than one reliable source to evidence the main idea, but could have used “diverse” sources (as provided in the assignment sheet) to move from “proficient” to “advanced”.

Comprehension (Proficient)

Student establishes a main idea in the introductory paragraph, (“That is, if it is for a positive reason, the ends justify the means”) and uses a general understanding of the text to support the argument. Includes overviews of both stories in the first and second body paragraphs (i.e. “In the article, “Honor”, Batty Dahlin depicts a family in a financial crisis. The short story introduced a family’s struggle to keep their stomachs full whilst having barely any money to provide for each other.”) and includes evidence from each text to support topic sentences. The student could have strengthened explanations of the evidence/analysis in each body paragraph to move from “proficient” to “advanced” (i.e. “The only way for this family to see this positive light was to support it upon a negative action.  Though one should never murder, this can be justified if it is for self-defense or even, for the betterment of one’s family”).

Synthesis (Proficient)

As stated previously, the student uses relevant sources/stories to support the main idea. Student’s synthesis of the two stories illustrate the “gray areas” of immorality well. However, the first body topic sentence does not tie into the thesis statement or evidence within the paragraph (i.e. “Some reasoning towards immoral behavior is unseen at first glance”, but last two body paragraphs tie in and student wraps up the main idea in conclusion. Also, as stated previously, the student could strengthen his/her explanations/analysis at the end of each body paragraph to show “insightful” connections and move from “proficient” to “advanced”.