Grades 9-12: Visual Arts
Digital Photography II


Art for Social/Environmental Justice:

Students were tasked with researching a social/environmental issue related to their community.  They were then asked to create a composite photograph that defended their stance on this particular issue.



Effective use of media/tools. Substantial attention to detail.

The student example displays a proficient use of Adobe Photoshop (effective use of layers and tools: lighting & curves; selective color enhancement; blur; lasso tools; filters; burn/dodge) in working towards a final product.  Student used numerous revisions to further address detailed design issues.

Details addressed in work:

  • Composing with a purpose/placement (Rule of Thirds/Design Principles)
  • Effective color and clarity through lighting (enough contrast to see details in all areas)
  • Clear and obvious focal point
  • Use of manual mode (ISO/Aperture/Shutter Speed)

Design Process

Effective use of sources and information to work through a creative problem. 
Independently develops ideas.

Student was able to successfully communicate ideas through symbolism of at least 3 additional images.
Project required the use of at least 2 compositional strategies
Research was evident in at least 1 image.

Intended Communication

Intent is generally clear; visual impact engages the targeted audience.

The student was successful in visually communicating stance on social/environmental issue through symbolism and composition.  Evidenced through peer critique/presentation.

For this project to be advanced, student could have developed additional layers of visual symbolism.