Grade 2: Visual Arts


Haumana will do a self-portrait using Linear design, color (warm/cool) tones, word composition and photo pose to create a self-portrait.  Each haumana can create unique patterns using linear lines.  Warm and cool tones can emote expressions of calm or excitement.  Haumana can create their own composition that represents their strength and unique personality. (identity, ‘ike kupuna)

The project would work on using practice sessions to work on developing:
1. Practicing lines, patterns, and repetition.
2. Working with warm and cool tones in watercolors.
3. Haumana working to create and self direct their pose to express their identity.



Utilize three techniques and forms of media (watercolor, sharpie, and collage)
Substantial attention to detail:

  • Different line quality
  • The Contrast of color (use of warm and cool colors)
  • The directional line of the text (placement)
  • Variation of patterns of lines are used
  • Overlay of cool and warm colors

Design Process

The student practiced watercolor, line, etc. skills.
The student understands warm and cool
Self-directed on pose (independent)
Use of media effectively lead to the craftsmanship listed above.

Intended Communication

The way the student, the juxtaposition of her photo and her introduction of herself
The arrangement creates a visual impact when the student places herself in front of the warm colors
The text directs the viewer’s eyes towards the artist
Choice of the pose is active creation – showing a part of herself

The idea of independently developing an original idea is what might take this piece to an advanced rating.