About Us

Welina mai!

We are the haumana of Papa Wauke.

Nä Kama Makamae
The Precious Children

Our first grade ‘ohana is called Nä Kama Makamae. Each papa (class) has an inoa (name) that is a plant treasured for its usefulness in our Hawaiian culture. Have you heard of this ‘ölelo no‘eau (Hawaiian proverb)? He keiki aloha nä mea kanu – Plants are beloved children, receiving much attention and care. We will mälama (take care of) our kama makamae (precious children) like those who nurture growing plants.

Wauke (paper mulberry tree)
The inner fibers are used to make cloth called kapa.


The kapa is used for traditional blankets and clothing such as the shoulder covering called kïhei. The malo is worn by males and the pä‘ü is worn by females.