I Wonder #12…Favorite Christmas Stories

One of my favorite Christmas Stories is “The Polar Express.” Christmas is one of my favorite times of year and reading or listening to stories about Christmas makes me happy.

Watch “The Polar Express” by clicking here!

In a comment tell me what your favorite Christmas story is!

Posted in I Wonder | 61 Comments

Old Toy Trains – A Video by the First Graders

Our first graders did a wonderful job performing at the Christmas Concert on Friday, Dec. 7th. We have also been working in technology class on using one of their songs in a music video along with art work they have created in KidPix. We used Garageband to record their wonderful voices and iMovie to put it all together! Check it out!

Posted in First Grade | Tagged , , | 45 Comments

A Letter From Wales!

Our third graders are starting an exciting new collaboration with a group of students from Wales! We are so excited about learning about their language and culture and we canʻt wait to share things about our school, community, and culture with them!

We started by writing a group email to each other. Click here to view the email they sent us and to see a few pictures of them!

One of our first questions about them was: Where is Wales? Here is a map that shows exactly where Wales is! Can you find Wales on the map?

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The First Thanksgiving!

Do you know why we celebrate Thanksgiving?

Did you ever wonder when the first Thanksgiving happened?

Scholastic has many different videos, games, and activities to help us learn more about Thanksgiving. Check it out by clicking here!

Posted in Fifth Grade, First Grade, Fourth Grade, Kindergarten, Second Grade, Third Grade | 3 Comments

I Wonder #11…Itʻs Geography Week!!

Geography week is here! There are so many awesome things that our teachers have planned for geography week. And in the lab this week we will be tweeting about all the cool things we are doing and learning! But, just to celebrate, here are a few AWESOME sites that have to do with geography!


OLOGY is the Museum of Natural Historyʻs Website for Kids. It has all kinds of cool games, interactive activities, and much more! Check it out!

The National Geographic Kids site has many videos, games, photos, and information that I know you will love exploring!

Maps for Kids is a great site to explore a variety of different maps. You can even learn more about the 7 Wonders of the World!

Posted in Fifth Grade, First Grade, Fourth Grade, I Wonder, Kindergarten, Second Grade, Third Grade | 1 Comment

Using Twitter during Geography Week

During Geography week we will be using Twitter to share the neat things we are doing and learning.

Here is our twitter info:
Student/Teacher tweet username is @kshstudents and the password is bananas. For our geography week tweets we will be including the hashtag @kshgeo in all of our tweets.

If you have a twitter account you can use it and add to the conversation by using the hashtag #kshgeo.

You can tweet as a whole class, you can set up a few computers so that your students can tweet throughout the week, or you can borrow a couple ipods so that your students can tweet from them.

You can view our ks student twitter posts by going to Mrs. Littrell, Kumu Kala, or my blog and looking at the sidebar.

If you have any questions please donʻt hesitate to email me at carichar@ksbe.edu.

Posted in Thoughts | 5 Comments

In Hawaii… A Digital Story from Mrs. Littrellʻs First Grade Class

Our first graders are excited to start meeting students from other places. We will be skyping with a number of other first grade classes as the year goes on. We have prepared this digital story to share with them! Watch it and see and the beautiful things we love about living in Hawaiʻi.

First grade in Hawaii – Littrell from KSH Kula Ha'aha'a on Vimeo.

Posted in First Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

I Wonder #8….I Believe

Sometimes we feel like things are not going the way we want them to.

Or, we may feel like something is too hard or too challenging.

Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves that we are AWESOME!

We need to believe in ourselves!

One of the reasons I love music is because there are so many songs that help me feel better. This is one of them:

Are there are songs that you listen to that make you feel better?
Leave me a comment letting me know what it is and if I can find a video of it Iʻll add it to this post! (This is optional!)

And, as Ikaika from third grade says, you should tell yourself “you are AWESOME” every day!

Here you go Isabel!

A few of you mentioned Firework!

Hereʻs “Live Like a Warrior”

Hereʻs “Sunshine”

So many of you have suggested so many songs! But, we are moving on to our next I Wonder! So, here is one last AWESOME song to make you feel good. 🙂

Posted in I Wonder | 42 Comments

Promethean Excitement!!!!

Today was the first day we used our new Promethean board in class! Promethean boards are interactive white boards. There are so many wonderful activities that we will do with our awesome new tech tool! Check out some pics below of our Kindergarteners participating in Monster Math!

Posted in Kindergarten, Thoughts | 1 Comment

I Wonder #7…A Message from the Future

Imagine that it is suddenly 20 years in the future!
Have a discussion with the person sitting next to about what you think the world will be like.

I wonder if we will have flying cars, or robots that wash the dishes for us…
What if you could time travel and ask yourself a question?

Leave a comment on this blog telling me one of the things you would ask yourself.

(In 20 years I would ask myself: Do you remember how much fun you had teaching technology at Kamehameha Schools? )

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