Tag Archives: Skype

Second Graders Say “Hi” to Australian Friends Via Skype!

Today Ms. Fullerton’s class got to say a special “Aloha!” to Mr. Frost’s first and second graders in Australia! The word of the day was definitely “enthusiastic.” They were excited and we were excited 🙂 We will be Skyping with … Continue reading

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Grade 3b Begins Collaboration with France!

I just have to tell you all how impressed I am with Ms. Manlinguis’ class!  Today I surprised them with two exciting collaborations that we are going to be a part of! First, both third grade classes are going to … Continue reading

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Third Grade, Thoughts | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Third Graders Begin Preparing for Skyping Project!

This week the third graders began preparing for their upcoming Skyping project called “Chat Across the USA.”  Each third grade class will have the opportunity to Skype with other third grade classes from around the United States.  During our Skyping … Continue reading

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Third Grade Skype Project Article in Converge Magazine!

The Chat Around the USA project that our third graders are involved in has once again made national news!  This time the project is featured in an article in education publication called Converge Magazine.  Click below to read the story! … Continue reading

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Skyping with Illinois and Florida!

Take a look at the pics below of our third graders Skyping with other third graders in Illinois and Florida! We have been learning so much from all the places we are connecting with.

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Skyping with Ohio and Maine!

The third graders had the exciting opportunity to skype with third grade students in Ohio and Maine this week!  We learned all about winter weather (and even saw the snow outside the studentÊ»s window in Maine) and many other things. … Continue reading

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