Tag Archives: Cool Projects

Second Grade Skypes with……

You guessed it! Baltimore! As you may know, Ms. Fullerton’s Class (along with Mrs. Ah Hee and Kumu Kala’s classes) is collaborating with a class in Baltimore. On Tuesday it was the second graders turn to meet their new friends … Continue reading

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Second Grade | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Fourth Grade Skyping Pros!

The fourth graders in Kumu Kala’s class participated in their first skype of the school year this past week.  They did in awesome job, showing they were old pros at Skyping after participating in the “Chat Across the USA” project … Continue reading

Posted in Fourth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Fifth Grade Mystery Skype!

Where are you from?  This was the question Mrs. Ah Hee’s students asked themselves on Tuesday as they participated in a Mystery Skype activity with a fifth grade class on the mainland. Students in each class asked questions and with … Continue reading

Posted in Fifth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

First Graders Finish Digital Stories!

Want to know what our first graders love about living in our beautiful state of Hawai’i? Just take a look at the wonderful digitial stories they created below! We will be sharing our stories with the first grade classrooms that … Continue reading

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“I’m Lucky I Live in Hawai’i” Digital Story by Grade 2

The second graders in Ms. Fullerton’s class have completed their digital story “I’m Lucky I Live in Hawai’i.” We have created this to share with our friends around the world that we will be collaborating with this year. We hope … Continue reading

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Second Grade | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

Third Graders Begin Collaboration with ‘Iolani School with a Skype Conference

Both third grade classes began their collaboration with ‘Iolani School in Honolulu this past week. We will be working together all year to compare the urban community they go to school in and the rural community that our school is … Continue reading

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Grade 2A Skypes with Canada!

Mrs. Oyama’s class spent the morning on Thursday learning all about their new Canadian friends! We are so happy that we have wonderful technology tools that can allow us to connect with students far away! The Canadian students told us … Continue reading

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Second Graders Say “Hi” to Australian Friends Via Skype!

Today Ms. Fullerton’s class got to say a special “Aloha!” to Mr. Frost’s first and second graders in Australia! The word of the day was definitely “enthusiastic.” They were excited and we were excited 🙂 We will be Skyping with … Continue reading

Posted in Second Grade, Thoughts | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

Grade 3b Begins Collaboration with France!

I just have to tell you all how impressed I am with Ms. Manlinguis’ class!  Today I surprised them with two exciting collaborations that we are going to be a part of! First, both third grade classes are going to … Continue reading

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Third Grade, Thoughts | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments