Category Archives: Third Grade

Third Graders Begin Collaboration with ‘Iolani School with a Skype Conference

Both third grade classes began their collaboration with ‘Iolani School in Honolulu this past week. We will be working together all year to compare the urban community they go to school in and the rural community that our school is … Continue reading

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Aloha to Wales from the Keiki of 3A

The third graders in Ms. Everett’s class spent a wonderful time on Wednesday finishing up a video for their new third grade friends in Wales. We can’t wait to learn about what life is like in Wales. We hope our … Continue reading

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Third Grade, Thoughts | 1 Comment

Grade 3b Begins Collaboration with France!

I just have to tell you all how impressed I am with Ms. Manlinguis’ class!  Today I surprised them with two exciting collaborations that we are going to be a part of! First, both third grade classes are going to … Continue reading

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Third Grade, Thoughts | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way

As all of our students know, as a kula we are making an effort to treat each other with kindness. After each technology class one of the things the keiki think about is how kind they were to others that … Continue reading

Posted in Fifth Grade, First Grade, Fourth Grade, Kindergarten, Questions, Second Grade, Third Grade, Thoughts | Tagged | 45 Comments

I’m Lucky I Live in…

Aloha Kākou! Our second graders are working on a digital storytelling project they will be sharing with second graders who live outside of our beautiful state. We want to share all the wonderful reasons we are lucky to call Hawai’i … Continue reading

Posted in Fifth Grade, Fourth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype, Second Grade, Third Grade, Thoughts | 32 Comments

At Work in the Lab!

I happened upon a great web tool called Kizoa that allows you to make collages and slideshows with your digital pictures! There are a lot of neat special effects that you can add to your slideshow as well as animation, … Continue reading

Posted in Fifth Grade, First Grade, Fourth Grade, Kindergarten, Second Grade, Third Grade, Thoughts, Useful Websites | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Say Something…

I saw this video and I knew I had to post it on my blog. Watch and see what happens when a megaphone was placed in the middle of a busy section of New York City. After you watch, post … Continue reading

Posted in Fifth Grade, Fourth Grade, Third Grade, Thoughts | Tagged , | 22 Comments

Every Little Thing is Gonna be Alright!

I remember listening to this song growing up and I came across this version that I know both keiki and parents will love watching! A song like this is especially meaningful at the beginning of a new school year, when … Continue reading

Posted in Fifth Grade, First Grade, Kindergarten, Second Grade, Third Grade, Thoughts | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Check out the video I made with GoAnimate!

Hey there! I have been fiddling with one of the tech tools our students will use this year. It’s called GoAnimate for Schools and it allows teachers and students to create animations. Check out the practice animation I made below! … Continue reading

Posted in Fifth Grade, First Grade, Fourth Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, Thoughts | Tagged | 11 Comments

Third Graders Begin Preparing for Skyping Project!

This week the third graders began preparing for their upcoming Skyping project called “Chat Across the USA.”  Each third grade class will have the opportunity to Skype with other third grade classes from around the United States.  During our Skyping … Continue reading

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