Category Archives: Second Grade

Second Graders Hard at Work!

Check out some action shots of the second graders working hard using imovie, Photoshop, and Garageband! They are doing an amazing job using all three of these programs to create their photo projects!

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Second Grade Photography Project

The second graders are working hard on their photography projects! They have been using Adobe Photoshop to edit their photos. They have also begun importing their photos into imovie to begin creating their slideshows. An awesome addition to their slideshow … Continue reading

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Second Grade “Kodak Moments”

The second graders are well into their unit on photography.  After perusing the campus and taking advantage of photo opportunities, the second graders learned about some of the cool things they can do with a photo using Adobe Photoshop.  The … Continue reading

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Second Graders Begin Photography Unit

The second graders began their photography unit today.  They learned about the different parts of a camera, the basic elements of photography, as well as a little bit about the history of photography.  Groups of students started brainstorming ideas for … Continue reading

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More Second Grade Stories!

Aloha!  See below for more stories from our fabulous second graders!

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Second Graders Begin Planning “Our School” Video!

The second graders have begun the planning stage for their “Our School” video that they are creating to share with students in California.  Second graders from Easterbrook Discovery School in San Jose, California are creating a video about their school … Continue reading

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2A Shares their stories below!!

Grade 2Aʻs stories are almost all completed!  See below for some awesome, creative digital tales!  The remaining stories will be posted upon completion some time next week!  Great job second graders!!

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Grade 2B finishes their stories!

The second graders did an awesome job creating their stories using kidpix and powerpoint!  Please read their stories below!  Youʻll notice that Mrs. Fullerton even wrote a story!!

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Second Grade Fairy Tale Online Dictionary!

The Second graders participated in a wonderful Fairy Tale Project called the Fairy Tale Online Dictionary.  The students read two Hawaiian versions of fairy tales and posted their work on the Fairy Tale Dictionary Website!  You can view their work … Continue reading

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