Category Archives: Global Collaboration/Skype

Fifth Grade Collaborative Poetry Project Begins!

The fifth graders of 5B have begun a new project with their Baltimore Buddies.  As you may know from reading this blog, we have developed a wonderful relationship with our friends in Baltimore using a variety of web tools.  Our … Continue reading

Posted in Fifth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

Third Grade Mystery Skype

Ms. Everett’s class had a fun time skyping with some new friends in New York State. We were able to ask them geography questions and guess what state they were in! Check out some pics of our Skype session below!

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Third Grade, Thoughts | Leave a comment

Aloha to our Friends in England!

Mrs. Fortuna’s first grade class was busy before Thanksgiving break filming a short video for our new friends in England!  We hope our friends enjoy learning about us and we can’t wait to watch their video and learn about them! … Continue reading

Posted in First Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | Leave a comment

Student Led Small Group Skyping = Engaged Learners

In the culminating activity of a project with their Baltimore buddies, the fourth graders in 4A participated in small group Skype sessions during technology class today.   Last week the fourth graders wrote a descriptive paragraph and uploaded it to … Continue reading

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Mystery Skype Makes Us THINK!

Where are you? This was the main question the third graders of 3B were asking themselves as they participated in a mystery Skype with a class from…….Wait! You’ll have to watch the video to find out! Didn’t our student photographers … Continue reading

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Third Grade, Thoughts | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Learning About Mexico Via Skype

The children in grade 5B had an exciting opportunity this week to learn about Mexico from someone in Mexico! Aunty Amy, a Hilo educator, skyped with us to tell us all about the wonderful things she is learning on her … Continue reading

Posted in Fifth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | Leave a comment

Third Graders Continue Collaboration with Students in Wales

Ms. Everett’s third graders continued their collaboration with a class in Wales on Thursday by viewing a video they created for us.  We got to hear and see the children from Wales as they talked about the different things they … Continue reading

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Fifth Grade Small Group Skype Sessions are a Great Success!!

On Monday morning our time (Monday afternoon Baltimore time) Mrs. Ah Hee’s fifth graders met with their Baltimore friends once again.   This time, though, it was a little different!  This time the students were able to skype in small … Continue reading

Posted in Fifth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | Leave a comment

Mrs. Fullerton’s Class Shares Animals with Baltimore Friends

Mrs. Fullerton’s second graders continued their collaboration with second graders in Baltimore today with a skype session in which they shared different kinds of animals that live in Maryland and Hawaii. We loved sharing some of our favorite Hawaiian animals … Continue reading

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Second Grade | Leave a comment

First Graders Share with Friends in Baltimore via Skype

Mrs. Moore’s first graders Skyped with some new friends in Baltimore this week.  Each of the students shared one of their favorite things about living in their home state.  We loved meeting the students in Baltimore, hearing about their lives, … Continue reading

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