Category Archives: Fifth Grade

Check out the video I made with GoAnimate!

Hey there! I have been fiddling with one of the tech tools our students will use this year. It’s called GoAnimate for Schools and it allows teachers and students to create animations. Check out the practice animation I made below! … Continue reading

Posted in Fifth Grade, First Grade, Fourth Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, Thoughts | Tagged | 11 Comments

Is this an “awesome” glog?

View the Glog below. Do you agree that this glog is an “awesome” glog? What do you like about it? What don’t you like? What ideas might you consider for your own glog? Be specific in your comments 🙂

Posted in Fifth Grade | 13 Comments

Fifth Grade Videographers Hard at Work!

The fifth graders are doing an awesome job filming and editing their videos.  We look forward to sharing the videos with everyone as soon as they are completed.  For now, here are some pics of them hard at work.  Enjoy!

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Fifth Graders Begin Movie Project!

The fifth graders had their first lesson in movie making today.  Groups of fifth graders will be creating a video with the goal of entering it in the Youth Xchange Video Competition.  Today the fifth graders had their first change … Continue reading

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Google Earthing our Epals!

The third, fourth, and fifth graders were able to take a virtual flight to the school of their epals!  We used google earth to view Lt. Job Lane Elementary School, which is 20 minutes outside Boston!  Check it out!

Posted in Fifth Grade, Fourth Grade, Third Grade | 2 Comments

Fifth Graders Skype with Fifth Graders in Illinois

Today 5B was able to skype with their epals in Illinois!  Each student got to meet their epal face to face and ask them some questions about their life in Illinois!  5A will be skyping with their epals in California soon!

Posted in Fifth Grade | 1 Comment

Fifth Grade Podcasting Project

The fifth graders are hard at work creating podcasts to share with their peers and others.  We will be posting our podcasts online when they are complete!

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Fifth Grade Epals

The Fifth graders are making connections with fellow fifth graders in Boston, California, and Illinois!  We will be collaborating with these students through email, video conferencing, and work on our wiki!  We will be having fun, sharing our culture, and … Continue reading

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