Category Archives: Wahi a nä küpuna

Wisdom from our kupuna.

Hāloa ka ʻōnohi lama

Class of 2013 Ka ʻōnohi lama (glowing center) Lama n. endemic ebony; torch; ʻōnohi n. center; figurative “eye” ʻŌnohi is most frequently associated with the eye, especially the center.  It is the core of a being.  Oʻahu was sometimes referred … Continue reading

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Welo haÿaheo me he kähili koaÿe lä

Although we are most familiar with ÿölelo noÿeau that have been passed down by kupuna over the generations, there are times when penning a new ÿölelo noÿeau is warranted.  Maybe because it marks a specific event or person, perhaps it … Continue reading

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Nä Mamo A Ke Kipi

Descendants of rebels. Said of the people of Kaÿü, who rebelled against oppression. This ÿölelo noÿeau was chosen to describe the Kamehameha Schools Hawaiÿi class of 2011.  Not that they ever rebelled against oppression, but because they have the fighting … Continue reading

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