Category Archives: Ua `ike anei?

Did you know?

Queen of Our Hearts

Did you know that this year as we celebrate Founder’s Day on December 19, we are really celebrating Ke Ali‘i Pauahi’s 177th brithday?  This year’s Founder’s Day is also the 121st year since the beginning of our school. Each year … Continue reading

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Moena KÜ‘Ë

Even in times of oppression our kupuna found ways to support the kingdom.  While Lili‘uokalani was imprisoned in the palace, loyalist would give her flowers wrapped in newspaper to keep her informed of the happenings in the community.  Here are … Continue reading

Posted in History, Language & Culture | 3 Comments

Nüpepa ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i

The link below will take you to the online database of Hawaiian Langauge newspapers. nupepa

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Senator Inouye’s Keynote address

Did you know at the 1968 Democratic National Convention, Hawai‘i senator Daniel Inouye gave the keynote address?  Here’s a link to the his speech. inouye1968speech.pdf

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