Category Archives: Ua `ike anei?

Did you know?

Iulai 2010

JULY 2010

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Iune 2010

JUNE 2010

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Mei 2010

MAY 2010

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ʻApelila 2010


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Malaki 2010


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Pepeluali 2010


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April Tookits

In this months tool kits… Nä Iwi Küpuna (DLNR video on traditional burial practices) Laukaÿieÿie an animate telling of the story that takes place in Waipiÿo Hawaiÿi video “Nation Within” APRIL2010TOOLS

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March 2010

In this month’s tool kit… A link to ÿöiwi TV and a video at Hakipuÿu Learning center Noÿeau Warner’s work to increase childhood literacy with newly written children’s stories A look at the future of Kakaÿako A link to Dr. … Continue reading

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February 2010

In this month’s tool kit, you can find… A video of Dr. Jon Osorio speaking about Hawaiian Identity The link to the online Hawaiian dictionary A video on the history of Kamehameha Schools A video of a hukilau at Kahana … Continue reading

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Maiki Aiu Lake

maikiguide.pdf In honor of this week’s Merrie Monarch Festivals, this week’s biography focuses on Kumu Hula Maiki Aiu Lake.  She was instrumental in continuing hula during the Hawaiian Renaissance.  Many of the kumu hula today can trace their hula lineage … Continue reading

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