Category Archives: Kü I Ke Au

Hawaiian Current Events

Kohala Center Jan2012

  What’s new at the Kohala Center?  Take a look at the newsletter for January/February 2012 JanFeb2012Final  

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Nohona Hawai’i In-service 2012

For the last five years now, we have hosted an all school in-service for our faculty and staff.  Four years ago (SY 08-09), planning this in-service became a part of my kuleana as the campus Hawaiian Culture and Curriculum Specialist. … Continue reading

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Hāloa ka ʻōnohi lama

Class of 2013 Ka ʻōnohi lama (glowing center) Lama n. endemic ebony; torch; ʻōnohi n. center; figurative “eye” ʻŌnohi is most frequently associated with the eye, especially the center.  It is the core of a being.  Oʻahu was sometimes referred … Continue reading

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Kohala Center September/October

The Kohala Center The Kohala Center is an independent, not-for-profit, community-based center for research, conservation, and education. The Kohala Center was established in direct response to the request of island residents and island leaders to create greater educational and employment … Continue reading

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ʻAukake 2011


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Iulai 2011

JULY 2011

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ʻApelila 2011


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Malaki 2011

MARCH 2011

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Pepeluali 2011


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Ianuali 2011


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