
As we start a new school year, we are always looking at building our capacity in Nohona Hawai‘i.  This year was no different.

The first day back for the teachers, Monday August 3, lent itself for a staff huaka‘i for the high school.  This huaka‘i took the group to Four Seasons at Hualälai.  Sure it sounds like a leisure day of relaxing at one of Hawai‘i’s premier resorts, but this was not in the plans.

Once there, the group gathered at the resort’s cultural center for ho‘okipa protocols.  After being welcomed in by the resort’s Director of culture center Uncle Earl Regidor, the staff was divided into two groups.  One group stayed in the culture center for an informal talk story session with Uncle Earl and his experiences there at Four Seasons as well as his past teaching gigs with Kamehameha.  Within the culture center are original works by Herb Kawainui Käne depicting life at a shoreline community during traditional times.  The stories woven into each of these are as important as the paintings themselves.

The second group toured the aquaculture and restoration efforts of the resort led by David Chai (’78), director of natural resources.  The resort houses both contemporary and traditional fishponds that are being managed to supply some the resorts fresh fish needs.  Some of the highlights of this part of the huaka‘i were the tanks of äholehole, moi, ‘awa and even ‘ulua (which the Science & Natural Resources, Arts & Communications, and Health & Wellness academies were able to feed)!

The end of the day included a presentation from the staff at Four Seasons Hualälai and their incorporation of Nohona Hawai‘i at the resort, everything from relationships between the staff and the  property, the staff and the guests, and especially the staff amongst themselves.  In true Nohona Hawai‘i, Aunty Kaulu Amaral (’76), graced us with a few hula as Uncle Earl sang.


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