Makahiki (part 4)

Did you know that the Makahiki season also has war rituals?

Most people associate Makahiki as the time when all warring stops, but did you know that the Lonoikamakahiki resides in the luakini.  The luakini is the temple of the high chief.  It was here that many human sacrifices were made, but never during Makahiki. After Lonoikamakahiki made his circuit around the island he would return to the luakini of the Ali‘i Nui of that island.
Once Lonoikamakahiki returns, the Ali‘i Nui goes to the ocean for a ceremonial cleansing as her prepares for the käli‘i, a ritual demonstration which symbolizes the ali‘i nui’s skill and leadership.
The käli‘i begin with the ali‘i nui and entourage making way to meet Lono out at sea.  When they returned the next day they would return to warriors.  A mock battle ensued with the ali‘i nui and his men winning expertly.
The next ritual was the känekupua.  Here two groups of warriors held a spear battle.  With the of the sham battle, the ali‘i nui would return to the luakini to offer a pig to Lono.
The following night the kahuna held their rituals at the luakini.  Then it was time to take down Lonoikamakahiki.  The pieces of kapa were removed as was the crosspiece.  The lei palai and ka‘upu skins were taken down.  The image of Lonoikamakahiki was now bear and wrapped in clean kapa for stored within the luakini.  Everything ended with pule.

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