Queen of Our Hearts

Did you know that this year as we celebrate Founder’s Day on December 19, we are really celebrating Ke Ali‘i Pauahi’s 177th brithday?  This year’s Founder’s Day is also the 121st year since the beginning of our school.

Each year the seniors in their last Founder’s Day celebration offer up their voices in the mele “Pauahi Ke Ali‘i”, composed by Kamehameha Schools for Girls music teacher, Cordelia Clymer Yarndley.  In this mele she lists the virtures of Pauahi and of the gift ke Akua provided for us through her.

Blest type of womanhood,

So true, so pure, so good

Thy praise we sing,

Thy praise we sing.

For bounteous gifts and free,

In all around we see.

Of what God gave to thee,

Full hearts we bring.

Pauahi Ke Ali‘i,

Loyal we bend to thee.

Queen of our hearts,

Queen of our hearts.

Alohas loud resound,

From all these hill around

Where e’er thy name is found,

Where still thou art.

Ever thy spirit dear,

Dwell in thy people here

Thou lovest so well,

Thou lovest so well.

Ever thine influence grand

In youth of this bright land

A joyous loving band

Most richly dwell.

Pauahi Ke Ali‘i

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