
Today, July 21, 2009 the student council of Kamehameha Schools had a retreat to QLCC to bond, organize and provide service to the community.

7:30- Everyone who lived in Hilo had to meet at the school bus stop

waiting at bus ramp at school

waiting at bus ramp at school

8:00- We left Hilo
8-11: Picked up people on the way to QLCC. We also set up our tents and ate lunch after we set up
12-1:15- we had free time to explore the campsite. In my time exploring the campsite i saw several blowholes. For the whole 75 minutes there were people observing the blowholes and fishing.


John fishing at the campsite

John fishing at the campsite

1:20-4-we went to Ahua La`a (Keahuolü) to clean up the fresh water pond. The sun was blazing and we had to clean up the akulikuli and scrape up all the hard mud. We cleaned out the area so that the water could flow from each pond into the main pond. Then after an hour of working we got to go swimming in the very salty beach.

clearing mud from the edges of the pond

clearing mud from the edges of the pond

swimming at campsite 1

swimming at campsite 1

4-7: brain-storm time with groups. We brain stormed about ideas for the upcoming year.

Mr. Mac meeting with the sophomores

Mr. Mac meeting with the sophomores

group picture

group picture

blog by Kelsee Aganus, ASKS Historian

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