Monthly Archives: January 2008

She Made It Possible

She Made It Possible video 30 seconds due in drop box

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Ti leaf lei

Bring in at least 10 ti leaves (lä‘ï) on Tuesday Jan. 29.

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Pepeke ‘Aike ‘O

write 5 pepeke ‘aike ‘o  (no telling time) Someone is the, that, this, etc. something Something is the, that, this, etc. something

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Special Adult

Write 1/2 a page about a “special adult” in your life. Explain why this person is special.  What has this person done for you.

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Translate the following: 1:15 (two ways) 12:30 (two ways) 9:45 (three ways)

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May Day Hula Language 1

7th Cowboy Hula 8th Kilakila Nä Roughriders Hula language should include the following: foot movements hand motions brief summary of dance (this should not be the translation, IN YOUR OWN WORDS) Optional – pictures typed 12 point font Due Tuesday … Continue reading

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Free Write

1/2 page free write in Hawaiian. Try to include all of the following: Pepeke Henua Pepeke Painu QTC Pepeke Painu Action Pepeke Painu Maka Painu Pepeke ‘Aike ‘O Pepeke ‘Aike He Hiki Loa‘a I‘oahenua due Friday January 18

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Ke Känäwai Mämalahoe

E pane i këia nïnau ma ka hopuna ‘ölelo piha. (answer this question in a complete sentence) No ke aha i kauoha mai ‘o Kamehmahea Nui i ke “Känäwai Mämalahoe” ?

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